Sunday, 28 October 2012

Why Corporal Punishment Should Be Illegal

There are many reasons to why corporal punishment should be illegal and should stay illegal. Letting corporal punishment be illegal allows the growing generations to understand there are other way where they can deal with unwanted behaviour that do not use violence. This limits the violence that can increase because corporal punishment was used in the past on the child and this is because less violence seen, then less violence committed.
            In the history it deals with a lot of violence for example The Code of Hammurabi used a lot of violence to resolve conflicts, like it is said “an eye for an eye”. The way the courts deal with offences has changed from the past and upgraded to reasonable grounds where some of the rights are not violated. I believe it is better to have corporal punishment to stay illegal because it shows everyone how things can be dealt with in a calm and non-violent way.

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