Sunday, 28 October 2012

Corporal Punishment in India

            Corporal punishment has a different value and law in every country, in some countries it shows it is not very important to give too much importance to this topic because it is not used as frequently as in other countries. In India there are a lot of cases that involve corporal punishment in schools every year. In India corporal punishment is illegal but yet still used because the law is not enforced in a way where there are severe consequences if that law is broken. The law that declares physical punishment is illegal is not an old law but a very newly adapted law and I believe it will take time for it to be completely adapted by everyone and understand why this law was enforced.
            This type of punishment was used in India for centuries and now observing the results of this punishment it sets out that there is no need for physical punishment because there are other types of punishments that can be use to reinforce a child’s behaviour. In India schools say they follow the law of no physical punishment but in reality in most schools it is not followed and corporal punishment is still used on children.

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