Wednesday, 26 September 2012

          When a child is behaving in a very inappropriate manner, parents tend to let their children know that they are not behaving the way they are expected to behave. In this process there are different techniques that may be used by the parent, which may consist of yelling, time outs or spanking. “Every schoolteacher, parent or person standing in the place of a parent is justified in using force by way of correction toward a pupil or child, as the case may be, who is under his care, if the force does not exceed what is reasonable under the circumstances.” (R.S.c.C-34.s.43). This law that is stated in the criminal code, this gives an understanding that spanking a child is not illegal, but is it right? I believe corporal punishment is not always necessary in helping a child perform the way they are expected to because, there are many other ways that can be used to help a child understand what is right or wrong.              
          When using corporal punishment it involves inflicting pain to the child making them feel discomfort in any way, using an object such as a rod or paddle or simply just your hand to hit the child. If this technique is used to create awareness to the child and it causes any type or bodily harm or injuries, it will then result in abuse towards the child. It is used to give discipline concerning an unpleased action, not understanding the negative factors that are involved in this type of discipline. If this physical penalty used for children on behalf of correction is constantly used it may result in abuse, which later affects the physical and mental development of the child. 

1 comment:

  1. Great work Jaspreet, Iam totally against corporal punishment, I have experienced it and I truly believe that it really does not help a child as growing up but makes things worst.
